Journal of applied biomechanics
AB:J. appl. biomech. KT:Journal of applied biomechanics. BC:JAB
Human Kinetics
雑誌,シリーズ名 | Journal of applied biomechanics AB:J. appl. biomech. KT:Journal of applied biomechanics. BC:JAB |
和洋区分 | 洋雑誌 |
各号 - 年月次 | 2020/06 |
各号 - 巻号 | Vol.36 No.3 |
発行頻度 | 隔月刊 |
出 版 者 | Human Kinetics |
各号 - 出版年月日 | 2020/06 |
各号 - ページ | p125-185 |
サ イ ズ | 28cm |
ISSN1 | 10658483 |
各号 - 特集記事 | Lower Limb Joint Kinetics During Walking in Middle-Aged Runners With Low or High Lifetime Running Exposure |
注記 | Title from cover "Official journal of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) and a publication of the International Society for the Biomechanics of Sport (ISBS)"--Contents |