Networking, IEEE/ACM transactions on
VT:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers/Association for Computing Machinery transactions on networking. AB:IEEE/ACM trans. netw. KT:IEEE/ACM transactions on networking. VT:T-NET
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
雑誌,シリーズ名 | Networking, IEEE/ACM transactions on VT:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers/Association for Computing Machinery transactions on networking. AB:IEEE/ACM trans. netw. KT:IEEE/ACM transactions on networking. VT:T-NET |
和洋区分 | 洋雑誌 |
各号 - 年月次 | 2017/8 |
各号 - 巻号 | Vol.25 No.4 |
発行頻度 | 隔月刊 |
出 版 者 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
各号 - ページ | p1939-2584 |
ISSN1 | 10636692 |
各号 - 特集記事 | F2Tree: Rapid Failure Recovery for Routing in Production Data Center Networks |
注記 | Joint publication of the IEEE Communications Society, the IEEE Computer Society and the ACM with its Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM) Access: via WWW |