

Routledge guides to literature
Jane Austen's pride and prejudice
a sourcebook
edited by Robert Morrison




書名,巻次,叢書名 Jane Austen's pride and prejudice : pbk a sourcebook Routledge guides to literature
著者名 edited by Robert Morrison
出 版 者 Routledge
請求記号 930.2/Mo78
01 図書館 三階
L3900 図書館三階 文学 900-999
出版年月日 2005
ペ ー ジ xviii, 172 p. : ill., facsims., ports.
サ イ ズ 23 cm
ISBN1 0415268508
登録番号 614830
内容細目1 From Samuel Johnson, The rambler
内容細目2 1750
内容細目3 From Samuel Richardson, Sir Charles Grandison
内容細目4 1753-54
内容細目5 From Jean-Jacques Rousseau, mile
内容細目6 1762
内容細目1 From Joseph Highmore, Essays, moral, religious, and miscellaneous
内容細目2 1766
内容細目3 From James Fordyce, Sermons to young women
内容細目4 1767
内容細目5 From John Gregory, A father's legacy to his daughters
内容細目6 1774
内容細目1 From Adam Smith, The wealth of nations
内容細目2 1776
内容細目3 From Fanny Burney, Cecilia : or, Memoirs of an heiress
内容細目4 1782
内容細目5 From Mary Wollstonecraft, Thoughts on the education of daughters
内容細目6 1787
内容細目1 From Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France
内容細目2 1790
内容細目3 From Edmund Burke, An appeal from the new to the old Whigs
内容細目4 1791
内容細目5 From Mary Wollstonecraft, A vindication of the rights of woman
内容細目6 1792
内容細目1 From William Godwin, Things as they are : or, The adventures of Caleb Williams
内容細目2 1794
内容細目3 From Jane Austen, Jane Austen's letters
内容細目4 1796
内容細目5 From Amelia Opie, Temper : or, Domestic scenes
内容細目6 1812
内容細目1 From Jane Austen, Jane Austen's letters
内容細目2 1813-16
内容細目3 From British critic
内容細目4 1813
内容細目5 From critical review
内容細目6 1813
内容細目1 From Annabella Milbanke, Letter to Lady Milbanke
内容細目2 1813
内容細目3 From Jane Davy, Letter to Sarah Ponsonby
内容細目4 1813
内容細目5 From Henry Crabb Robinson, Diary entries
内容細目6 1819
内容細目1 From Mary Russel Mitford, Letter to Sir William Elford
内容細目2 1814
内容細目3 From Mary Russell Mitford, Letter to Sir William Elford
内容細目4 1815
内容細目5 From Walter Scott, The journal of Walter Scott
内容細目6 1826
内容細目1 From Harriet Martineau, Society in America
内容細目2 1837
内容細目3 From Charlotte Bront, Letter to George Henry Lewes
内容細目4 1848
内容細目5 From George Henry Lewes, 'A word about Tom Jones'
内容細目6 1860
内容細目1 From Margaret Oliphant, 'Miss Austen and Miss Mitford'
内容細目2 1870
内容細目3 From Mark Twain, Letter to Rev. J. H. Twichell
内容細目4 1898
内容細目5 From William Dean Howells, Heroines of fiction
内容細目6 1901
内容細目1 From G. K. Chesterton, The Victorian age in literature
内容細目2 1913
内容細目3 From Virginia Woolf, A room of one's own
内容細目4 1929
内容細目5 From W. Somerset Maugham, 'Pride and prejudice'
内容細目6 1948
内容細目1 From V. S. Pritchett, George Meredith and English comedy
内容細目2 1970
内容細目3 From David Lodge, Small world
内容細目4 1984
内容細目5 From Martin Amis, 'Miss Jane's prime'
内容細目6 1990
内容細目1 From D.W. Harding, 'Regulated hatred : an aspect of the work of Jane Austen'
内容細目2 1939-40
内容細目3 From David Daiches, 'Jane Austen, Karl Marx, and the aristocratic dance'
内容細目4 1947-8
内容細目5 From Marvin Mudrick, 'Irony as discrimination : Pride and prejudice'
内容細目6 1952
内容細目1 From Dorothy Van Ghent, 'On Pride and prejudice'
内容細目2 1953
内容細目3 From Mark Schorer, 'Pride unprejudiced'
内容細目4 1956
内容細目5 From Howard S. Babb, 'Pride and prejudice: vitality and a dramatic mode'
内容細目6 1962
内容細目1 From Alistair M. Duckworth, 'Pride and prejudice : the reconstitution of society'
内容細目2 1971
内容細目3 From Nina Auerbach, 'Pride and prejudice'
内容細目4 1978
内容細目5 From Judith Lowder Newton, 'Pride and prejudice'
内容細目6 1981
内容細目1 From Mary Poovey, 'Ideological contradictions and the consolation of form : the case of Janes Austen'
内容細目2 1984
内容細目3 From Claudia L. Johnson, 'Pride and prejudice and the pursuit of happiness'
内容細目4 1988
内容細目5 From Alison G. Sulloway, 'Voices and silences: the province of the drawing room and the war of debates'
内容細目6 1989
内容細目1 From Robert M. Polhemus, 'The fortunate fall : Jane Austen's Pride and prejudice'
内容細目2 1990
内容細目3 From Allan Bloom, 'Austen, Pride and prejudice'
内容細目4 1993
内容細目5 From Susan Fraiman, 'The humiliation of Elizabeth Bennet'
内容細目6 1993
内容細目1 From Douglas Murray, 'Gazing and avoiding the gaze'
内容細目2 1996
内容細目3 From John Wiltshire, 'Pride and prejudice, love and recognition'
内容細目4 2001
内容細目5 From Steven Scott, 'Making room in the middle : Mary in Pride and prejudice'
内容細目6 2002
内容細目1 From Sue Birtwistle and Susie Conklin, 'A Conversation with Colin Firth'
内容細目2 1995
内容細目3 From Cheryl Nixon, 'Balancing the courtship hero : masculine emotional display in film adaptations of Austen's novels'
内容細目4 1998
内容細目5 From Lisa Hopkins, 'Mr. Darcy's bod : privileging the female gaze'
内容細目6 1998