

The world's classics
American critical essays
twentieth century
selected with an introduction by Harold Beaver
Oxford University Press




書名,巻次,叢書名 American critical essays twentieth century The world's classics
著者名 selected with an introduction by Harold Beaver
出 版 者 Oxford University Press
請求記号 934/B31
03 図書館 閉架
L1000 図書館一階 (閉架)
出版年月日 1959
ペ ー ジ xvi, 364 p.
サ イ ズ 16 cm
ISBN1 0192505750
登録番号 017282
内容細目1 The hall-marks of American
内容細目2 H.L. Mencken
内容細目3 What is literature, what is language, etc.??
内容細目4 Ezra Pound
内容細目5 Theodore Dreiser
内容細目6 Van Wyck Brooks
内容細目1 The sense of poetry: Shakespeare's "The phoenix and the turtle"
内容細目2 I.A. Richards
内容細目3 The politics of Flaubert
内容細目4 Edmund Wilson
内容細目5 Poet without critics: a note on Robinson Jeffers
内容細目6 Horace Gregory
内容細目1 Thomas Wolfe: the professional deformation
内容細目2 Malcolm Cowley
内容細目3 Emily Dickinson
内容細目4 Austin Warren
内容細目5 The man of letters in the modern world
内容細目6 Allen Tate
内容細目1 Maule's curse or Hawthorne and the problem of allegory
内容細目2 Yvor Winters
内容細目3 Willa Cather: the tone of time
内容細目4 Morton Dauwen Zabel
内容細目5 Tradition and the individual talent
内容細目6 F.O. Matthiessen
内容細目1 An adjunct to the muses' diadem: a note on E. P.
内容細目2 R.P. Blackmur
内容細目3 William Faulkner
内容細目4 Robert Penn Warren
内容細目5 Huckleberry Finn
内容細目6 Lionel Trilling
内容細目1 What does poetry communicate?
内容細目2 Cleanth Brooks
内容細目3 Henry James: The American scene
内容細目4 W.H. Auden
内容細目5 Paleface and redskin
内容細目6 Philip Rahv
内容細目1 Observations on the style of Ernest Hemingway
内容細目2 Harry Levin
内容細目3 The broken circuit: romance and the American novel
内容細目4 Richard Chase
内容細目5 Ishmael and Ahab
内容細目6 Alfred Kazin
内容細目1 The book of the grotesque
内容細目2 Irving Howe


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